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Sat 1st Apr 2017

If you’d like a successful long term contracting career, we’ve put together a few top tips you’re going to want to consider!

Renew your CV

Your CV is your very first impression. A well targeted CV is essential to get you noticed. Make sure you tailor your CV to the appropriate task, and ask someone to double check the spelling and grammar before submitting it.

Find a great accountant

Before you open the books to just anyone, ensure you choose the accountancy firm that best meets your particular needs – we’re specialist accountants that can provide you, as a freelance contractor, sole trader or limited company contractor with a range of services to help you with the day to day management of your business. We use proven technology to ensure you have a clear view of what you can safely take out of the company, what you owe the taxman and that you are always on time and compliant with your HMRC and accounting submissions.

Choose the best payment structure

As a contractor, you can either use an umbrella company or start your own limited company - we can help support you with both. When it comes to getting paid, an umbrella company would invoice the agency/client for the work you've done and take care of deducting margin, tax and National Insurance as required and send a payment directly to you.

Take Time off

Paid sick days and holiday are not generally part of the deal however, here using an umbrella company menas you’re entitled to paid holiday, so you’re not out of pocket when you take a break! It’s healthy for your work/life balance to take time off, so don’t be afraid to do so if you need to.

Manage your expenses

As a contractor, it’s a priority to manage your expenses so you’re not left behind or worrying. 2020 offers the ability to enter expenses, timesheets and other relevant information via simple and straightforward online access that anyone can understand. Work related expenses which you claim for are paid free of tax and National Insurance, which increases your take-home pay.

We know everybody has different requirements. That’s why we always give you everything you need and nothing less. It’s our goal to simplify your working life. If you’re interested in discovering more, get in touch here!

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