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Limited Company Contractors - Make A Good Impression!

Wed 19th Sep 2018

When moving from client to client, and site to site, limited company contractors often have more first impression opportunities than other workers, so how can they ensure they’re making a good first impression on their first day?

Setting foot into a new place of work is always a bit daunting and can present its own worries, but for those contractors who move around more than others, stepping into a new site will come around more often. Therefore, it’s vital that contractors are confident in how to present themselves and communicate with a range of individuals on different levels in order to give that good first impression.

For those who are not confident or have a bad first impression or experience, this can become costly for their assignment and can stick in a client’s mind for the long-term.

So, for those limited company contractors who are moving from assignments often, here’s some tips on making a good first impression:


Always have a clear understanding and knowledge of the client and company that you are going to be working for. Ensure that you know who you’ll be asking for as you walk into the building along with their job title. Gaining as much knowledge as possible beforehand will help with unnecessary questions or embarrassing statements.

Be presentable

Know the environment that you are walking into. The importance of what to wear on your first day is an important step in feeling comfortable as you make your first appearance.
What clothing is expected, do you need any uniform or equipment? If you’re in an office, are you wearing appropriate attire and are you comfortable? Being smart and professional may be expected if you’re in an office but the same does not go for manual work, however your first impression still counts. Make sure you’ve taken time to look presentable whatever your environment as you make your impression.

Appearance is important and a decision about a person can be made within seconds of the meeting point.

Be on time

As it’s your first day, it’s a good idea not to be late. Always plan more time than you would normally need especially if you are traveling through rush hour and factor into your journey things that may take up more time or attention. Get everything ready the day before and be alert, ready to be proactive the morning of your first day. The brighter you feel, the better impression you will give. It’s always worth doing a test run of your journey before the day if you’re not sure on the route or time it will take.

Take initiative

It might be your first day, but you are a skilled contractor with important skills to be used. You’ve been hired to do a job so use your initiative to get on with the task at hand, rather than waiting to be shown. Show confidence in working and give a positive attitude as you approach everything that you need to do. A positive approach will break down any barriers that may be in the way and show that you are willing to get involved.

Be yourself

At the end of the day, the client has hired you as their contractor. There may have been many applicants for the job - but they chose you. So be yourself and the person they met at the interview. Be true to your values and what you as a business stand for and provide value and the goods that you’ve been asked to perform.

Taking all these points into consideration it’s important to get your first impression right and for limited company contractors and freelancers to be as prepared as possible for meeting a client or prospective client for the first time. Contractors have more first impressions that most other workers and therefore it’s vital to get them right every time.

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