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Goal Setting for 2020

Fri 20th Dec 2019

With the end of the year on the horizon it's important to review the goals you set for both yourself and your business for 2019. Did you achieve them all? If you didn't, were you SMART about how you set them? SMART goal setting provides a framework so that you understand both what the achievement of that goal will look like and how you are going to get there.

S – Specific. Your goal should be set out as specifically as possible. What is it that you want to achieve? Who else needs to be involved? Why is that goal important to you?

M – Measureable. You will know when you have achieved your goal if you have a measurable element to it. It also makes it easier to understand how you are progressing and will maintain motivation.

A – Achievable. A well set goal should stretch you but not break you. Ask yourself how achieveable your desired outcome is, if it feels unachievable then break it down to a smaller goal.

R – Relevant. This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you, and that it also aligns with other relevant goals. We all need support and assistance in achieving our goals, but it's important to retain control over them.

T – Time based. Every goal needs a time goal. If your goal is for the year then consider how close to achieving it you want to be in 3 months or 6 months.

Now you can consider your goals for 2020 and use the SMART framework to set goals that clarify your ideas, focus your efforts and use your time productively!

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